This service is indicated to select a main parameter in semiconductos.Mainly for transistor hFE (gain), IDSS in JFET, Rds in MOSFET, or matching in general. Diode matching is also performed based on the VI curves. The selection of gain or parameter chosen by the customer must be within the range specified by the manufacturer in its datasheet. This service is ideally used for matching fuzz transistors or Push-Pull applications. Additionally, this service can be used for matching FETs for phaser or other applications in pairs or quartets. For this service we use Peak DCA55 and DCA75 PRO semiconductor analyzer
- To use this service, you must add this product to the shopping cart for each transistor/FET (silicon or germanium) you want to match or select its gain. Price for one transistor, if you want to match 4 transitor, please add 4 times this item
- When you are ready to complete the purchase, write to us in the comments section about the gain or hFE you need for each transistor. If you forgot send an email.